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Îngeri de Asfalt

CASINO - Centrul de Cultură Urbană

De ceva vreme, am inceput un proiect foarte drag sufletului meu. Initial un proiect fotografic, cu timpul, si cu oamenii din jurul meu, el a crescut in ceva de o amploare extraordinara. ❤️ Iar acum se apropie momentul in care il vom impartasi cu lumea. 😊 De-a lungul vietii, fiecare dintre noi cunoaste momente de ratacire. Momente in care pierderea cuiva drag, o iubire neimpartasita, o pasiune neurmata, ne lasa un gust amar. Momente in care in interiorul nostru si poate si in exterior este razboi. Momente in care ne simtim singuri si izolati. Momente in care ne pierdem drumul, speranta, visul. Momente in care am face orice pentru a estompa durerea, si in care ne afundam in solutii de moment, in comportamemte violente si adictii. Dar noi suntem oameni. Si noi oamenii, suntem mai puternici impreuna. Putem ajunge mai departe impreuna. Si nu doar ca supravietuim, dar putem crea lucruri incredibile. Impreuna. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu, ne gasim drumul unii inspre altii. Si nimic nu e niciodat intamplator. Ingerii sunt real. Noi suntem ingeri unii pentru altii. ...english... Some time ago, I have started a project dear to my soul. At first a photographic project, with time and people around me, it has grown into so so much more. ❤️ And now, the moment we shall share it with the world is getting closer. 😊 Through our lives, each and every single one of us knows hardship. We go through moments of loss, of someone dear, of unshared love, of unfollowed passion. Moments in which we are at war, inside ourselves and maybe outside as well. Moments in which we are alone, isolated. Moments in which we lose our way, our hope, our dream. Moments in which we would do anything to stop the pain and we might lose ourselves into coping, violence and addiction. But we are human beings. And us human beings, are stonger together. We can go further together. And not only we survive our own pain, but we can create incredible things. Together. Sooner or later, we are able to find our way towards each other. And nothing is ever by chance. Angels are real. We are each other's angels. #ConcreteAngelsProject #IngeriDeAsfalt #concreteangels #ingerideasfalt   Dana Florina
